Wichita Journal of Commerce Map
This 1887 Wichita Journal of Commerce map suggested “all roads lead to Wichita” but some city leaders cautioned that the boom could not last.
Park School
Teacher Leida Mills and her fifth grade class at Park School, circa 1890.
Sedgwick County Courthouse
Line drawing of the proposed Sedgwick County Courthouse, 1888. A second photo caption, maybe add to the line drawing caption: The Sedgwick County Courthouse narrowly escaped demolition in the early 1960s after the new courthouse building was completed in 1959. The tower structure was removed after being damaged by a severe storm in 1953.
1313 N Emporia
Prolific Wichita contractor William Sternberg built this sophisticated Queen Anne- style brick house at 1313 North Emporia for the George and Cordelia Pratt family in 1887. This house, which still stands, reflected the taste of the period and was noted for its elegant interior details.
Friends University
Designed by architects Proudfoot and Bird, Garfield University operated for a short time in the late 1880s before falling victim to the economic depression of the 1890s. Vacant for years, the school reopened as Friends University in 1898.